Children in Care Reviews



Children Act 1989

Guidance and Regulations: Volume 2 Care Planning, Placement, and Case Review

Note: that different provisions apply to children with a Children in Care (CIC) status as a result of remand to the Trust accommodation or Youth Detention Accommodation. In relation to these children see Remands to Local Authority/Trust Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation Policy, Care Planning for Young People on Remand or Youth Detention Accommodation.

IRO Handbook (2010)


In September 2019, this chapter was reviewed and significantly updated and should be read in its entirety.

1. The Purpose of the Child in Care Review

A Child in Care (CIC) Review must take place to endorse and review the care plan for all children in care. A review must take place before any significant change is made to the child's care plan, including a decision for a child or young person to cease being in care.

CIC Reviews may usually be conducted as a "stand alone" meeting, although this may not always be the case and can take place through a series of meetings to enable and support participation of children and young people and parents with due consideration of all relevant information. The IRO in consultation with the child/young person and social worker will decide the style of the meeting.

The purpose of the CIC Review is to regularly:

  • Ensure that the child/young person in care has appropriate plans in place to safeguard and promote their overall welfare, that are based on assessments undertaken of the child's needs and  in the most effective way achieve permanence for the child within a timescale that meets their needs;
  • Ensure that all aspects of the care plan and arrangements (included in Schedule 7) are considered;
  • Ensure clarity of the care plan and care arrangements are understood by the child, family, carers and practitioner involved in the team around the child;
  • Ensure that plans made offer the child, stable care that is sensitive to their individual personal needs that supports the child to flourish and achieve;
  • Monitor the progress of plans and ensure that the care plan is progressing towards its aims effectively and in a timely manner;
  • Endorse the agreed care plan and make recommendations in respect of amendments to the plans to reflect any changes of circumstances for the child/young person;
  • Any amendments or changes to the plan must consider and clearly define what actions are needed to implement changes, by whom, and within what timescale.

For specific circumstances:

  • To ensure the needs of the child in care through secure remand or secure accommodation are met;
  • For young people who are "eligible" care leavers, who are in care and moving to semi-independent accommodation are ready and suitably prepared for this move;
  • For a young person living in foster care the first CIC review after their 16th birthday should consider whether a staying put arrangement should be an option when leaving care.

The key plans that should be considered at each CIC review are:

  • Care Plan incorporating the child's plan for permanence and care arrangements;
  • Placement Plan;
  • Health Plan;
  • Personal Education Plan;
  • (For 16 and 17 yr olds) Pathway Plan;
  • (For Young People on remand) Detention Plan.

2. Frequency of Child in Care Reviews

Child in Care Reviews should be convened at the following intervals:

  • The initial Child in Care Review should be conducted within 20 working days of the child becoming a child in care: (referred to as "28 day review");
  • The next CIC review should be conducted within 3 months of the 28 day review: (referred to as "3 month Review");
  • Then each subsequent CIC review should be conducted at no more than 6 months from the previous review: (referred to as "6 month Review").

This timescale will continue whilst the child remains in care. If the child leaves care but is then re-admitted this frequency re-starts as above.

In relation to children who become subject of Placement Orders to be placed for adoption.

  • Prior to being placed in their prospective adoptive placement, there should be a CIC review within 3 months of the granting of the Placement Order: (referred to as "Post Placement Order Review") – this review should also be with 6 months of the last CIC review);
  • When a child is placed in care of prospective adopters see Adoption Reviews Policy. There is a requirement for:
    • A review within 28 days of being placed: (referred to as "28 day review");
    • Then the next review is within 3 months of this review: (referred to as the "3 month review");
    • Then every 6 months from this: (referred to as 6 month review") until the Adoption Order is granted.

Child in Care Reviews should be brought forward by the IRO, where a significant event or circumstance has taken place for the child, which may have an impact upon their care plan. The circumstances that are considered significant are:

  • A proposed change of care plan, for example arising at short notice in the course of proceedings following direction from the court;
  • Where agreed decisions from the previous CIC review are not carried out within the specified timescale;
  • Major changes in contact and family relationships;
  • Changes of allocated social worker;
  • Any safeguarding concerns involving the child, which may lead to enquiries being made under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 and outcomes of meetings (such as Disruption Planning Meetings) not attended by the IRO;
  • Complaints from, or on behalf of, the child, parent or carer;
  • Unexpected changes in the child's placement provision, which may significantly impact of placement stability or safeguarding arrangements;
  • Significant changes in family circumstances, for example births, marriages or deaths, which may have a particular impact for the child;
  • If the child is charged with any offence leading to referral to youth offending services, pending criminal proceedings and any conviction or sentences as a result of such proceedings;
  • If the child is excluded from school;
  • If the child has runaway or is missing from their agreed placement or living arrangement;
  • Significant health, medical events, diagnoses, illnesses, hospitalisations, or serious accidents, as well as panel decisions in relation to permanence.

This is not an exhaustive list and the IRO may consider that other events are significant.

The IRO will consider whether to bring forward the review based primarily on whether the significant event will cause either a change of plan or change of care arrangements that were not considered, or planned for, at the previous review.

This brought forward review will take place within 20 working days of the change, but is referred to as a "6 month review". At the brought forward review the IRO will consider if the next review should be earlier than 6 months based on needs of child and plan.

3. Chairing of CIC Reviews

Each Child in Care will have a named Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO), who is located in the Trust Independent Reviewing Service. The named IRO will remain as IRO as long as the child remains in care and the IRO remains in role.

The IRO will attend and chair each CIC Review.

The IRO will consider with each child and young person how they will participate in their review, based upon the principle that the child whose review this is will be as involved as far as they would wish in leading, including chairing, their review

The IRO responsibilities are outlined in Section 8, Independent Reviewing Officers Responsibilities.

If the named IRO cannot attend the meeting, and if it is important the review meeting is not delayed, the IRO Service will make arrangements for the review to take place in a manner which is suitable and sensitive to the child.

4. Convening Child in Care Reviews

4.1 Arranging the 28 day Review

The child's social worker should notify the IRO Service when it is intended, or a child has, come into care. The notification is through completed case record systems when a decision is made for a child to be admitted to care, and notification to IRO Service through email to

This will trigger the allocation of a named Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) for the child. The time and venue for the review, as well as whether this meeting will take place as a standalone meeting, or series of meetings, will be agreed between the IRO, Social Worker and child/young person.

Invitations to the 28 day review will be sent out by the Independent Review Service following discussion between IRO and social worker, in consultation with the child/young person as to who should be invited.

It is usual that the child's placement will be the preferred venue.

4.2 Arranging the 3 month Review and all further reviews

At the end of each review a proposed date, time and venue for the next review will be established, taking into account the statutory timescale, needs of the care planning and convenient availability of the child/young person and other key participants for the scheduled review.

This proposed date, time and venue will be recorded on the Review Record. No invites will be sent out by Independent Review Service for this and further reviews.

In preparation for the scheduled review the IRO and social worker will establish with the child/young person that the proposed review date, time and venue remains suitable for them

Proposed review dates and times should not be changed in any circumstance, except

Should the child cease to be in care before the scheduled review date, the child's social worker will notify the IRO, and should ensure case record systems are updated to inform the Independent Reviewing Service, and inform key participants who are working with the child and their family.

5. Participation in the Review, including the Child's Participation

The Child in Care Review should be an event:

  • Which is inclusive of the child; and
  • That celebrates progress as to their care plan and how the child's needs are met;
  • The focus should be on promoting the child's participation and the review is a child focused event.

Every effort should be made by IRO and others including social worker and carers to support the participation, including attendance, in the review meeting of the child and young person.

A balance must be struck in relation to who the child wishes to be present and the need for availability of information and input from carers, professionals working with the child and their family members.

Every effort should be made to keep the number of people present at the review meeting to be as few as possible

The following people would normally attend the review:

  • The Child. There is a presumption the child will attend the review;
  • The Child's carer;
  • The Child's social worker;
  • The IRO.

The following people may attend if agreed - but should be consulted with:

  • Parents and those with parental responsibility;
  • The supervising social worker, if in foster care, the manager or link worker if in residential care;
  • The most appropriate teacher at the child's school;
  • For last review before 18th birthday Personal Advisor from Care Leavers;
  • An interpreter if required;
  • Any other professional with legitimate interest in the child, health care professionals, Virtual School, Child's Guardian.

Invitations for the 28 day review will be sent out to participants detailed on Review Convening sheet by IRO Service Business Support (unless notified less than 1 week before the review and then social worker will need to inform participants), for all other reviews participants will be advised of the review by either the date of the review on the proceeding Review Record or invite by social worker in consultation with IRO.

If the child wishes the IRO will work with them to chair their own review, the IRO Service operates a principal of maximising the child leading their own review and the IRO will work with the child/young person to maximise their leading of their own review

6. The Role of the Social Worker

The Child's social worker must discuss the purpose of the review with the child, their parents and carers and consult the child about who should attend at least 20 working days before the scheduled review

The child's social worker should then make contact with the named IRO for the child, 15 working days before the review

Where the child wishes to chair or lead their own review the social worker should ensure the IRO is aware of this before the review in order to support the child/young person leading the review.

In all cases the child and their parent(s) should be encouraged and supported by the social worker to prepare for the review, in writing or in other ways. The social worker should agree with the IRO how this will be achieved. This requires early consultation between the social worker and the IRO, and should be part of a thorough preparation of all the key issues for the review

The social worker must ensure that the child's IRO is kept informed of any significant events and changes in the child's circumstances, for significant events see Section 2, Frequency of Child in Care Reviews, and the outcomes of any other meetings held as part of the child's needs and planning. In addition the social worker must notify the IRO immediately it is apparent that decisions and recommendations made at the review are no longer appropriate because of a change of circumstance.

Where the child has been, or is the subject of court proceedings, the social worker should ensure that the IRO has clear information of the child's legal status and the court timetable and direction.

Prior to the review the social worker and team manager must ensure that the child's records and plans for the review are up to date and signed by the social work team manager.

The Social Worker must ensure the IRO is sent or given clear direction as to location on the case record the following documents, 3 working days before the 28 day review and 5 working days before all other reviews:

  • Social Work Report to the Review;
  • The social worker prepared parts of the Record of Meeting and Plan Form;
  • Up to date Care Plan and for 16 and 17 yr olds Pathway Plan.

Copies of these reports should be made available to participants at the meeting by the social worker (except Pathway Plan which should be with direct agreement of young person).

In addition the child's social worker should make available to the IRO before the review:

  • All completed consultation documents;
  • Health Plan;
  • Personal Education Plan;
  • Relevant reports from other professionals working with the child.

It is not necessary to copy these to all review participants, the IRO may need to meet separately with the social worker to look at the Health Plan or Personal Education Plan. The IRO will then summarise key issues from these documents for the review.

After the Review the social worker is responsible for updating the Care Plan, including as necessary, permanence plan, placement plan, health plan, personal education plan and pathway plan, within 10 working days of receipt of recommendations from the IRO in relation to changes agreed at the review.

Where the child and their parent has been unable to attend the review, the social worker must ensure that they are informed in writing of the outcome.

See Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers Policy, Duty of Social Worker to keep IRO Informed.

7. Supporters and Interpreters at the CIC Review

The IRO and the social worker should consider prior to the review, including consulting with the child or parent as to whether the child or parent may benefit from the presence of a supporter or advocate. If so the social worker should ensure that the necessary arrangements are made including for the child a referral to Rights and Participation Service for an advocate.

In addition the IRO and social worker should ensure that the child is aware they can have access to an advocate should they wish, irrespective of the IRO and social workers view of this and support them to access this by a necessary referral.

It may also be necessary for the social worker to make arrangements for an interpreter in the child or parent's first language to attend the review to assist the child, and/ or parent's participation if necessary. The need to support a child's developing use of English should not be a reason not to have an interpreter present if required.

Any request by a child or parent, for their legal advisor to attend as their supporter or any legal advisor to attend a review, should be notified to the IRO prior to the review. The review is not a legal meeting or tribunal and attendance by legal advisors is rarely appropriate or necessary. If they do attend they have no necessary contribution within the meeting.

Where the supporter is a legal representative then the IRO should note The Law Society guidance "Attendance of Solicitors at Local Authority Children Act Meetings" and related Code of Conduct (2011). All Solicitors attending these meetings should be aware of local policies and procedures.

8. Independent Reviewing Officers Responsibilities

The IRO's role within the Child in Care Review is to attend and chair the meeting. Any meeting not chaired, or attended by, the IRO, is not a Child in Care Review. The IRO will monitor the appropriateness of the Care Plan, its implementation and establish if the milestones set out in the plan are achieved in a timely way.

The responsibilities of the IRO include:

  • Monitoring the Birmingham Children's Trust's performance of its functions in relation to the child's case;
  • Consulting the child about his/her Care Plan at each review and at any time that there is a significant change to the Care Plan;
  • Speaking in private with each child prior to each review to establish the child's wishes and feelings about the issues to be covered at the review meeting;
  • Ensuring that Care Plans for looked after children are based on a detailed and informed assessment, are up to date and effective, and that they provide a real response to each child's needs;
  • Identifying any gaps in the assessment process or delivery of service;
  • Offering a safeguard to prevent any 'drift' in care planning and the delivery of services;
  • Monitoring the activity of the Birmingham Children's Trust, ensuring that Care Plans give proper consideration and weight to the child's current views, wishes and feelings and that he/she fully understands the implications of any changes to their Care Plan;
  • Ensuring that, having regard to age and understanding, the child has been informed of the steps he/she may take under the Children Act 1989, and in particular, where appropriate:
    • The right to apply, with leave, for a Section 8 Order/discharge of a Care Order - if the child wishes to take legal proceedings under the Children Act 1989, the IRO must establish whether an appropriate adult is able and willing to assist the child to obtain legal advice or bring proceedings on his/her behalf, and, if there is no such person, assist the child to obtain such advice; and
    • The right to access representations/complaints policies and how to do this.
  • Making sure that the child understands how an advocate could help and his or her entitlement to one; and
  • Initiating the Dispute Resolution Process where appropriate;
  • Advising the child of their right to apply for an order or seek discharge of an order;
  • Ensuring the child or young person has been given financial guidance to support their financial capabilities and money management capacity, including the take up of Junior ISA's where applicable;
  • In relation to short breaks:
    • Being sensitive to the close and active involvement of parents of a child looked after in a series of short breaks;
    • Problem-solving where there might be difficulties or issues;
    • Alerting the Birmingham Children's Trust if there are concerns that the placement is not meeting the child's needs.

In relation to their role in reviews, a key task for the IRO is to ensure that the review is child focused and that the child's views are taken into account in the making of their care plan. The IRO will ensure that the child's views are obtained, and effectively contributed, and presented, to the review. In addition the IRO will ensure that the child's care plan is based upon effective assessment and positive and clear outcomes. The IRO will check progress moving towards desired outcomes.

The IRO should ensure that the child is consulted with about their care plan at each review and at any time that there is a significant change to the care plan or child's circumstances.

The IRO should meet with the child where they are living (at placement) before the 28 day review. Further visits to the child are made as necessary, usually in respect of plan changes and circumstances, but the IRO must ensure that they see the child at some point at any place they are living. A face to face visit with a child may well assist the IRO in their functions of ensuring the child's views are known and accounted for in the care plan.

The IRO should discuss the case circumstances and forthcoming review with the child's social worker 15 days before the review.

The IRO will support and encourage a child to be as directly involved in their review meeting as is possible, firstly to safely and comfortably participate, through to being involved in leading the meeting including chairing the meeting.

The IRO should decide if the review should take place as a "Stand alone" or whether a series of meetings may be required to ensure the views of relevant people are available and support the child's participation without making a meeting too large for the child to be part of.

The IRO is responsible for ensuring all relevant people, including the child and parents, understand the purpose of the review and are given appropriate opportunities to contribute and express their views. The IRO should ensure relevant consultation has taken place with practitioners involved with the child.

If the parent(s) or the child attends the review with a supporter, the IRO will explain their role, ensuring the supporter understands that they have no role within the review, they may clarify information on behalf of the person, they are supporting, but not question or cross examine any contributor.

The agenda for each review will be confirmed to each participant who will be invited as required to contribute to the meeting.

The IRO will decide on what actions are necessary to meet the child's reviewed needs and make recommendations that are clear, as well as identify to how these will be achieved including by whom and with a timescale for completion.

When a review considers that adoption or long term fostering is the most appropriate way to meet the child's needs, the recommendations and record of the meeting will be submitted with other agreed documentation to the Agency Decision Maker to assist their decision.

The IRO may adjourn a review meeting, for not more than 20 working days in the event they are:

  • Not satisfied that the Trust has complied adequately with all the requirements relating to reviews (e.g. duty to consult child, parent and others before making decisions) and such omissions will affect the efficacy of the review; or
  • Not satisfied that the child has been properly prepared for their review.

Where the review is adjourned for recording purposes the date of the review is the date of the scheduled review.

The IRO should consider the effects on the child of delaying the meeting and seek the wishes and feelings of the child, carer and parents where appropriate

The IRO should ensure that the following are considered and accounted for at each review. It may be that not all of these matters require discussion at each review:

  • The effect of any change of the child's circumstances since the last review, any change made to the care plan, whether decisions taken at the last review have been successfully implemented, and if not, the reasons for this;
  • Whether any change should be sought to the child's legal status;
  • Whether the plan of permanence remains appropriate or is progressing in a timely manner if being worked towards;
  • Arrangements for the child seeing family (known as contact)/ whether there is a need for changes in arrangements to promote contact between the child and their parents/other family members connected to the child;
  • Whether where the child lives (placement) continues be the most appropriate available, whether any changes of placement plan or any other aspects of the arrangements is likely to become necessary before the next review;
  • Whether where the child lives safeguards and promotes the child's welfare, or whether any safeguarding concerns should be raised;
  • The child's educational and learning needs, progress, and development and whether any change is likely to become necessary or desirable before the next review. Whether the arrangements are meeting the child's educational needs, ensuring a Personal Education Plan is in place, and whether its content provides a clear framework for promoting educational achievement. Issues of, and arrangements for transition between schools and Education Health Care Plans should be considered as necessary;
  • The child's Health Plan and whether any change in health care arrangements is likely to be necessary or desirable before the next review, whether the content of the Health Plan provides a clear framework for promoting the child's health, whether the arrangements are meeting the child's health needs;
  • Whether the child's needs related to their identity are being met, and whether any change is required having regard to the child's religious persuasion, ethnic and racial origin and cultural background, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability, as well as identity as a care experienced child/young person;
  • Whether arrangements for advice, support and assistance continue to be appropriate and understood by the child;
  • Whether arrangements need to be made for the time when the child will no longer be a child in care, or become a care leaver;
  • The child's wishes and feelings, and the views of the IRO, about any aspect of the child's circumstances  since the last review, and in particular any changes to be made, or proposed to be made to the care plan;
  • Whether it would be in the child's interests for an independent visitor to be appointed;
  • If the child is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child or may be trafficked, whether their needs as a result of the status are being met and addressed;
  • Whether the delegation of authority to take decisions about a child's care continues to be appropriate and in the child's best interests;
  • The arrangements for reviews and visits for a child living in a matched long term foster placements;
  • Other matters which may arise should be considered with due regard to the circumstances of the child and the placement.

After the review the IRO will advise the team manager of the recommendations and decision of the review in writing within 5 working days, the IRO will complete the record of the review within 15 days and the IRO Service will distribute to participants within 20 days of the review.

The IRO will complete the necessary Quality assurance information including identifying whether the review was in timescale, the participation of the child and the date of the next review.

The IRO if necessary will meet with the child following the review to clarify the decisions and plans and to clarify the child understood the impact and implications of these.

Where the IRO has identified evidence of poor practice in the review or in the monitoring of the Trust performing its functions, the IRO will consider what action may be needed and bring this to the attention of relevant and appropriate managers.

It there is evidence of significant delay for the child, the IRO where necessary will instigate the dispute and escalation process to seek resolution to the delay.

9. The Role of the Child in Care Review in Achieving Permanence for the Child

Permanence for a child in care is the framework for emotional permanence (attachment and relationship), physical permanence (stability) and legal permanence (the carer has parental responsibility) and achieving permanence is a key consideration from the day a child comes into care.

The IRO must ensure at the review that the child's care plan includes a plan for their permanence, with measurable milestones for achieving permanence, as well as consideration of a contingency plan should the preferred plan not be possible.

At the 3 month CIC Review It is a requirement that a child has agreed plans for permanence, and this is within a timescale which is realistic, achievable, and meets the child's needs.

If it is considered that the chosen plan for a child's permanence is not viable, or needs to change, the IRO should be contacted by the social worker when this is known, and the next scheduled review should be brought forward to around 20 working days from when it is clear the permanence plan needs to change and takes place to consider the most appropriate permanence alternative, and if possible endorse a change of permanence plan.

If it is not possible to identify a specific permanence plan, then the permanence plan can be multi track, although clear realistic, achievable actions and timescales must be identified to ensure a specific permanence plan as soon as possible. This is known as Parallel Planning.

In considering Permanence Plans the IRO and the CIC Review should take particular regard to the legal status that will underpin the permanence arrangements for the child.

All further CIC reviews will review the progress and suitability of the permanence plan.

10. Child in Care Reviews Concerning Children in Long Term Fostering Care Arrangements

A Long Term Foster care Placement is an arrangement in which:

  • The child's permanence plan is for Long term fostering; and
  • The foster carer has agreed to care for the child for as long as they are a child in care;
  • The Trust has confirmed that the placement is matched as a long term fostering arrangement, and this has been communicated to the child, the foster carer and the child's parent(s).

When a child has been living in their matched long term fostering placement for more than 12 months a CIC review may decide that:

  • The frequency of social worker visits may be reduced to 3 monthly. This requires agreement from the child (that is of sufficient age and understanding); and/or
  • The frequency of a CIC review meeting may be reduced to 12 monthly.

In the event a CIC Review Meeting takes place annually, the 6 month CIC review in between will be completed by the IRO consulting and discussing circumstances with the social worker and seeing the child.

Changes to frequency of visits and Review Meetings should be recorded on the child's Placement Plan.

11. Child in Care Reviews for Children who are Subject of Child Protection Plans

Birmingham Children's Trust will as far as possible seek to ensure that children in care are not subjected to the dual process of Child in Care planning and Child Protection Planning. This is generally an unnecessary duplication of process and intervention.

If a child who is subject of a Child Protection Plan (CP Plan) becomes accommodated as a Child in Care, the CP Plan will be discontinued from the date the child comes into care. Their safeguarding needs will be considered as part of the consideration of their CIC Review.

There will be discussion about circumstances between the Principal Officer chairing the child's Child Protection Conferences who will discontinue the CP Plan and the child's named IRO to ensure all matters are addressed at point of admission to care before the 28 day CIC review.

In the exceptional event that child who is subject of a Child Protection Plan becomes accommodated as a child in care through a voluntary s20 arrangement in a short term care need with the intention that the child will be discharged from care and return home within 6 weeks of admission. The CP Plan will remain in place, no Child Protection Conferences (CPCs) will take place within that period.

In this instance if the child remains in care long enough to require a 28 day CIC Review, this CIC review will ascertained as to whether the child will remain in care beyond the 6 week period. If the child is to remain in care then their safeguarding needs will be addressed through their Care Plan and the Principal Officer will discontinue the CP Plan.

12. Recording of Child in Care Reviews

It is the responsibility of the Independent Reviewing Officer to make a record the review. A written record of the outcome including decisions and recommendations will be completed and circulated by the IRO.

The IRO will complete in writing the CIC review decision of the permanence plan and the recommendations for the permanence and care plan, including for action by whom and timescale for completion, and advise the social work team manager of these within 5 working days of the CIC Review.

The Team Manager should consider the decisions and recommendations made at each CIC Review, and within 10 working days of receiving them advise the IRO if they are unable to agree them.

If the IRO receives no response the decisions and recommendations should be considered as agreed by the Trust and should be implemented within the timescales set out in them.

If the team manager disagrees with any decision or recommendation within the 10 working day period this should be notified in writing to the IRO. In the first instance the IRO should attempt to resolve the issue informally and discuss the reasons for the disagreement with team manager and seek a resolution to this.

If this is not successful the IRO can consider activating the dispute and escalation process see Resolution and Escalation Protocol.

The full written review record will be completed within 15 working days of the CIC Review. The review record will contain an accurate and comprehensive record of the meeting, or meetings which constitute the review, but not a verbatim record, and the views of those who attended or were consulted with during the review process. The record should also reflect the review process for a designated long term fostering placement where a meeting did not take place. The Independent Review Service will send copies to all relevant parties identified by the IRO on the distribution sheet within 20 working days of the review.

A copy of the review record will be kept on the child case record

13. Monitoring of Review Decisions and Recommendations

The Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) is tasked with the quality assurance role for the child in care of monitoring how the Trust undertakes it's functions to the child who is in care

The IRO Service seeks to operate and undertake this through relational practice focusing on a "high support/ high challenge" approach to working with the Trust social work teams to effect the needs of the child being met and the quality of the provision and planning for the child.

The IRO will between reviews will monitor the case to follow up that actions and recommendations are being completed for the child within the agreed timescale and will follow up as required with the social work team any delay in completion that is apparent.

The IRO should be informed by the social worker of any significant events and changes of circumstance for the child see Section 2, Frequency of Reviews, within which outlines the situations and circumstances that would necessitated the IRO being informed.

The IRO will respond to these events by monitoring if a change of plan is required and if the review should be brought forward.

After each review the IRO will complete a quality assurance form on the child's case record, this contains information which outlines that the Trust is fulfilling its functions to the child and the collated information is used by the Independent Review Service to inform the overview of the Trust's functions to the child contained in the Service performance information and IRO Annual Report.

When there is evidence of poor practice, delay, or care plan not meeting the child's needs, the IRO should, address these issues through the Resolution and Escalation Protocol, contacting the social work team manager, or where necessary the Head of Service in the first instance. Matters of specific professional poor practice should be addressed through the Trust's organisation management arrangements.

14. Dispute Escalation and Resolution

See Resolution and Escalation Protocol.

One of the key functions of the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) role is to seek to resolve any issues arising out of the care planning or care arrangements for the child. It is expected that IRO will seek to establish positive working relationships with social workers and managers working with the children and young people for whom the IRO has named responsibility

This procedure is written in the context of IROs working for best outcomes for children and young people and seeking to promote these outcomes under the principals of offering the Trust both high support and high challenge.

The likely circumstances where the IRO may raise concern prompting an informal or formal escalation, include disagreement with the proposed care or permanence plan, delay in care and permanence plan progress, concern about suitable care arrangements for the child, failure to meet the statutory functions for the child, and dispute about provision of services and interventions

IROs should exercise their discretion and judgement when considering the most appropriate and effective level of challenge to use. In some situations they may be able to achieve a quicker and effective resolution through an informal discussion and challenge or they may feel due to the impact of the issue on the child that a more immediate formal escalation is required. This responsibility for this decision is the named IRO

The decision to implement the escalation process is the IROs, who will maintain responsibility for working towards the outcome required

It is important that any consideration of the need for instigating the escalation process must always consider the impact for the children and that the process will address and improve outcomes for the child

In addition IROs will identify areas of good practice and share these with relevant managers.

When concerns are identified it would be usual for the IRO to initially discuss with the relevant team manager and/or Head of Service to seek an informal resolution of the issue

In the event the issue cannot be resolved through an informal discussion the IRO will instigate a formal escalation of the matter and follow the procedure and protocol, to the necessary level within the Trust.

The IRO has the authority to refer the child's case to CAFCASS where they consider it appropriate to do so if matters are not resolved satisfactorily this would usually be considered to be necessary when the matter has been brought to the attention of Director of Practice and not resolved, but the IRO if applicable and with good reason can refer to CAFCASS earlier in the process. In such circumstances The IRO should still continue to seek resolution within the Trust for the child's situation.

If it is applicable IROs can access independent legal advice in appropriate circumstances.